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    SEO Link Building Strategies for 2018

    The main idea of 2018 is “don’t try to deceive Google with fake backlinks”. In this blog post, I am going to discuss the link building strategy of 2018.

    Yes, it’s true; Google has totally updated their algorithm of giving rankings to the business websites and getting a great ranking for your website is no longer a game of building a number of backlinks. Many people still think that backlinks play an important role when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

    Sounds confusing?

    Building backlinks are important just to get the website references from other sources. You must have noticed those blue underlined links on the websites of other people that bring the user to your website by clicking. They are the backlinks and it’s the thing which we humans usually think of when we heard the term SEO.

    Yes, they are important in 2018 also but there are many other things that need to keep in mind when building links from other sources. First of all, you need to ensure that you are only building high-quality links for your business. It means the links should be helpful to you. Those created links can help your prospects in reaching you.

    The best places to start the link building are from your industry blogs, relevant directories, suppliers, and customers. In short, you just need to avoid the link building strategy that has the main motive of manipulating the Google and that doesn’t even add any value to your website

    If you are a house cleaning service provider, you normally go to a local real estate agent and ask if they can post your business link to theirs. This is a type of quality link.

    Google check the sources of your backlinks and if they find you genuine and extremely popular, your Google ranking automatically goes up. This is the process which Google is following nowadays.

    Now the question comes to the mind is what’s the secret to getting high-quality backlinks?

    Link building starts only with having high and genuine quality content.

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