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    Google Confirms-Algorithm Update Released On April 16th, 2018

    Google has again released a broad core algorithm update last week.

    The statement was confirmed on the Twitter, an online news and social networking service platform, from the official account of Google, Google SearchLiason, that this algorithm update was released last week on Monday, April 16, 2018”.

    The tweet says “On Monday, April 16, 2018, Google has released a broad core algorithm update that it usually does throughout the year. Like any other previous algorithm updates, the main focus of this update is to improve the search results.

    You may remember that Google released an identical algorithm update in March 2018. After the update is released, it was explained that a “broad-core algorithm update” is something that takes place several times in a year.

    According to a tweet released On March 12, 2018, from the official Google account, Google SearchLiason says “Every day, Google usually comes up with one or more updates that are designed with the motive to improve the search results. Some changes are relevant for specific improvement, while others are extensive changes. Google released a broad core algorithm update last week which it does quite frequently throughout the year.”

    While many SEO professionals speculated that this new update targeted the web pages with low-quality content, it was later explained by Google that the update had given special focus to content relevance.

    In other words, Google is focusing on giving the high ranking to the webpage that offers the best answer to the queries of online users.

    Google always says that most of its algorithm updates are content focused, so the content relevance is also the base of the update of this month.

    So, if your website rankings are affected by this update, it does not indicate that your website requires good quality content. Rather, it is more of a sign that your content should be more appropriate to the target audience who is searching for the relevant content.

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